Thursday, 12 February 2015

February Meeting (and a few other bits)

Here's a few more pictures of the David's station building and Alan's bridges in situ on the layout.

Firstly, the station -

Secondly, Alan's bridge at the Halifax end, now painted by David -

Finally on the test track my EWS 37 has been joined by a Class 66! Fear not - my BR Green Class 03 shunter is nearing the end of a bit of a rebuild and normal service will be resumed once it's footplate has been straightened.

On the more contemporary front my 37 and 66 are having some suitable wagons prepared for them in advance of their use on 'Marsh Lane', an early 2000s era layout set in North West England.
Finally, the group's February Meeting is this Saturday (the 14th) from 2pm at Keighley MRC. The usual tea, chocolate bars and other refreshments will be available!

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