Sunday 8 June 2014

Further progress on Lightcliffe Station buildings

Work has been manic since Christmas, with negotiations for a new station at Kirkstall Forge only recently concluded, so modelling time has been at a premium and I haven't been able to make the last few group meetings ... but I have managed to make some progress on the main station buildings and the shell is almost complete and ready for painting.

Next job is to place the building on the layout next weekend and start looking at ground and platform levels.

The signs are proving more troublesome than I'd hoped and for now I've abandoned the idea of using 1mm brass lettering as I couldn't get a result that I was happy with. I've resorted to producing them on my computer - the ones on the left are early efforts which are passable (though hard to photograph clearly) but I'm much happier with the ones on the right - just got to go back and do the smaller ones again.

Monday 2 June 2014

The Single Slip Saga Part II and meetings for June

Last time we left the single slip glued in place and wieghted down by some 'Heavy Things' - so after a few weeks of drying, this is how it looked... 

After making sure none of the 'works' were gummed up,we were able to make sure that the blades moved and soldered some droppers in place - here is the slip being tested by running a plate wagon through it...

Elsewhere, there is progress on the scenics - here are the coal drops, with some suitable wagons placed above them..

...and this is the view of the underbridge on St. Giles road, with some of the stonework going in...

Finally... my newly converted Class 37 doing the rounds on the test track, which might find itself onto a little project based around Warrington in the early 2000s!

The initial conversion was done in about 15 minutes on finding the conversion wheels in the day's post after a trip to the pub - lowering the body and other bits of detailing and weathering will follow.

As for this month's meetings - the main meeting this month is on the 14th at Keighley MRC from 2pm. 

Also, I and several others will be demonstrating on the 2mm Roadshow at the Wigan Finescale Railway Modellers Exhibition over the weekend of June 7th and 8th - see for further details.